When it comes to giving we tend to think, when we have X amount of money in the bank, we will be able to give. But really .. do we do that?
And think of it.. Is giving only possible with money or other materialistic things?
How about giving more love, having more compassion to our fellow beings? How about volunteering with our time and expertise?
What does giving do?
We are constantly drawn to the things, the people, and the circumstances which are in agreement with our thoughts. This is the Law of Attraction. Scientifically explained, our Reticular Activating System(RAS), the bundle of cells at our brain stem filters out what is unimportant and retains what we think is important.
Ever had the experience where you wanted to buy a red car and all the sudden you see that red car everywhere? That’s because you have told your unconscious mind that getting that red car was a priority, so, all the sudden you start noticing it. Make sense? This is how the RAS in our brain works
We attract more of what we want.. So to get more, give more
In Indian Philosophy, its called the Karma, reaping what you sow
Butterworth in his book “Spiritual Economics” has an entire chapter on the idea of living from a place of constantly giving yourself to the world. He has beautifully explained takers vs givers.
“The takers are the people who believe that their lives will always be the total of what they can get from the world. They are always thinking get, get, get. They plan ways to get what they want in money, in love, in happiness, and in all kinds of good. The givers, on the other hand, are convinced life is a giving process. Thus their subtle motivation in all their ways is to give themselves away, in love, in service, and in all the many helpful ways they can invest themselves. They are always secure, for they intuitively know that their good flows from within.”
Which one do you want to be? A Taker or a Giver?
Give and allow for the receiving…. then see the magic happening
Ramadan is holy month of giving. Lets join our muslim brothers and sisters in the giving..
Start by taking a moment to write down 1 thing that you can give, And then slowly make abundance a practice..
Until Next,
Keep Smiling..