Woop Your Day to Make the Most

When back from work, we carry home the stresses, the worries, the problems and this may stop us from being our best self

For me exercising after work helps me release the stress and ease the transition

Here’s another simple technique that I recently learnt and applied. Its called the GOOP or the WOOP technique. You can use this technique not only to transition but also to start your day or the next thing that you are up to

WOOP stands for –

What do you want? (Goop / Wish)
Why do you want it? (Outcome)
What’s in the way? (Obstacles)
What will you do about that? (Plan)

Brian Johnson talks of combining WOOP with breathing which I found very very interesting. It’s a  simple, 1-minute process with Five deep breaths.

The first breath focuses your attention and calms your energy. Then each of the next four breaths are focusing on a different letter of W O O P. Lets try..

  1. Start with a nice, deep breath (inhale and exhale) Clear your mind. Shake out your body. Relax and Smile
  2. In the next deep breath, think of your WISH for the next part of your day and exhale with a smile. (It could be having a lovely time with your kids or it could be having a difficult conversation with a colleague or whatever!)
  3. Now, take another nice, deep breath in and think of the OUTCOMES you will experience as a result of that wish coming to fruition. Feel it. Smile as you exhale
  4. Now with the next breath, think of what might get in the way? What OBSTACLES might you face?
  5. And… Finally, What can you do to make sure you deal with that obstacle with as much grace as possible? What’s your super simple PLAN?

While focusing your intention on what you want to create you are also energizing yourself with some nice, deep breaths! Dual benefits J

Give it a shot, It’s worth it

Until Next,

Keep Smiling..

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