Don’t fall off the CLIFF, there is a better way!

Start of the year, most of us have our goals set –

Do you know How long do those well-intentioned goals really stick? Studies show..For many people, not long enough.

Golds Gym did a research to study the decline in gym membership after Jan. February 9 seemed to be the turning point when people who committed themselves to gym-going in January eventually slacked off and stopped showing up regularly. They called it the “fitness cliff.”

CLIFF is an acronym – defines the reasons or excuses why people don’t follow through

CCan’t find the time.

LLacking a game plan to keep you going.

IIgnoring your commitment and falling into old patterns.

FFrustrated with lack of early results.

FForgetting why you started.

Though this study was on a fitness industry on a health goal, the reasons why people loose focus on their goals is the same irrespective of the domain (health, career, business or relationship) because life gets in the way.

I thought it was important to bring this to your notice now because I don’t want you to fall off the cliff

A quick reminder..

  1. Be clear on your goals – the more clear your goals are and the reason why your goal is important to you, more likely you are to succeed
  2. Early on focus on the process not the outcome. Its a muscle that you can build up over time
  3. Track and Measure yourself against yourself not others

Be aware of the CLIFF. Don’t fall … Instead learn to dance along the edge. And enjoy the journey!

Until Next,

Keep Smiling..

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