Thought of sharing this novel idea that I came across recently
End of year, most of us do spend some time on year end reflection, reflect on the past year to think of what has gone right and what didn’t go well. What learnings we can carry forward, and what we can integrate into our life in the days ahead
Its great and I do this as part of my daily routines but what I have recently learnt is that following another important ritual when we open the new year helps us start the new year with a clean slate, a new beginning with even more positivity
This ritual is similar to a routine practiced in banking, it’s called “Closing the Books” where credits and debits are noted, adjustments are done, the transactions are reconciled and then a new book is opened with a new set of entries for the new year
“Closing the Books” can be implemented in our life too. It’s a physicalritual of closing the old year and stepping into the new year
Closing the books creates the space in our brains to step into next year unburdened by the past. Its like cleansing the psychic palate – telling the brain that you are closing the past and letting go of the need to dwell into the past and choosing to focus into the new year with positivity. Its said not doing this important ritual can leave the door open and you never let go of the past year fully
The key is it has to be physical
It can be super fun, short and sweet. For example, In NY, a midnight run ritual is followed every year on the start of the new year where people do a 4 mile run in the Central Park. It symbolizes running out of past year and running into the new year
It could be as simple as a final entry into the 2017 diary, closing it physically and then opening a new diary for 2018
I have closed my books for 2017 by writing off all that I want to let go off from 2017 in a paper and throwing off in thrash; see the picture. Believe me, It’s so freeing!
How did you Close the Books for 2017?
Until Next,
Keep Smiling..